April asparagus strip.

So these guys are getting a little more sun. I haven’t picked any as they’re super thin. Anyone ever grow them in a strip before? Initially I planted these here due to the ugly fence I wanted to hide but we ended up rebuilding a beautiful fence! Here’s the before bad after fence…. /during 🙂

Dec 2017. Volunteers from compost and asparagus one month growth

So tall! Over a foot tall! Unfortunately I do not know how old these crowns are. I am going to assume one year crowns. Impulse buy 🙂 I think I have some kind of squash! First time used some compost. I have a closed bin which possibly has zucchini seeds from the old zucchini I…

New home

So I guess I haven’t posted in a year but lots of changes this year. We bought a home so now I have a small yard! Planting as much stuff as possible in the ground and this week, I just planted some asparagus crowns into the ground. I first started this blog when I planted…

My first homegrown asparagus!

So here’s the first guy of the season! My first year harvesting since buying the little plants a few years ago. I snapped this one off about 8 inches tall. They grow pretty quickly and once they’re ferning out they are beyond eating I believe. These ones are just little guys. Hopefully I will get…

Super tall asparagus ferns.

These few spears so are growing so big and tall – they’re way over 6ft already. Lucky it is next to a fence so it doesn’t get in the way too much. Last year they were still pretty droopy ferns but as they’re getting thicker, they’re standing up more. See how it is towering over…

Homegrown asparagus big enough to eat!

My container asparagus is doing really well. If I remember correctly, they are only two year old crowns although when I bought them, they came in a six pack of tiny ferns. I assume they were grown from seed… I haven’t done anything special to them at all, add about an inch of fresh soil…

2 year old Container Asparagus

These asparagus are almost big enough to eat! Getting a few popping up but going to let it fern out for one more year, then next year I will start harvesting! There are about five crowns in this pot. It started with six but one wasn’t doing too well last year so I pulled it…

Container Asparagus loves the Sun

  I had to move my asparagus from my apartment door step to somewhere sunny as during the summer, I do not get much sun right outside my west facing door, which is good for keeping the apartment cool, but not so good for the plants. So this giant pot is hiding in the landscaping…