Rehoming growing lotus

I moved everything around a little bit as the lotus water was getting yuckie and it needed a bigger home. I found this fish bowl laying around so hopefully it will be perfect for my little lotus. Also added rocks to the vase lotus.

Lotus mini swamp

Guilty! I definitely should be finding a new home for these babies but I don’t have time to work out what I want to house them in. So for now, here’s my lotus mini swamps. Leaves are opening 🙂

Fast growing lotus!

These guys grow fast! So I took this on before work. And took this one just now, nine hours later!

Lotus seeds growing already!

I’m pleasantly surprised these little guys are growing already. I was so excited to see this tiny bit of greeness emerging from one of the seeds in the water bottle experiment. I almost forgot to check out the seeds in the jar with seeding medium in it…

It’s a skink!

Cleaning out the garden today and moving/reporting some plants. Was surprised to find two little skinks hiding under a pot. I have never seen these before, I thought it was just a couple of worms but then they started running away… On tiny legs! Also my newly repotted cactus is flowering.