New home

So I guess I haven’t posted in a year but lots of changes this year. We bought a home so now I have a small yard! Planting as much stuff as possible in the ground and this week, I just planted some asparagus crowns into the ground. I first started this blog when I planted…

Tasty pitaya! Ripe and so tasty

We decided to pick the pitaya dragon fruit even though it didn’t appear as bright pink as some of the pictures. I did ready it takes about 30 days from flower to ripe. So I think i ended up picking it at 45 days. The tentacles coming off the fruit started having slightly dry looking…

Potting up Mango from seed.

My mango seed #2 is looking good. I know most people will wait until it starts rooting and growing leaves before putting it in soil but I have had bad success transferring sprouting seeds in that way so I decided to pot it up already. Also there is some debate as to which direction to…

Mango from seed sprouting already!

The first attempt seed is still not doing anything after three days in the ziplock bag. However, attempt #2 which I only started yesterday is already sprouting! It soaked in water for a little over 24 hrs and I just wrapped it in a damp paper towel and put it in a ziplock. Check out…

Growing mango from seed. Attempt #2

I checked on the mango seed I started a couple of days ago (First attempt) and the paper towel was all brown so I changed it out with a fresh one. That seed was dark brownish in some areas when I pulled him out. As I don’t know if this was normal, and I still…

All Peaches gone! See you again next year!

I have finally picked all my fruits from my little Tropic Beauty Peach tree. These ones were almost as big as the ones you can buy in the store! I think I like the flavour of the Tropic Prince Peach better. It had a melting texture with a tarter taste. The tropic beauty was yummy…

Tropic Prince Peach Harvest!

I checked my peaches today and felt they were getting soft and smelled lush and peachy so I went for it and pulled a few off. My first ever peach harvest! So impressed! They’re small but taste just like a real peach! I don’t know why I expected otherwise! The pit was very small which…