Three sisters May 2018

I found some old corn seeds so I had enough for a very small patch and after they started growing strong I decided to expand the corn patch. Hopefully it will mean I will get 2 good staggered harvest of corn. The peas I also found laying around! Hey why not! And before I knew…

Vegetable planter :) wow!

Feb 14th 2017 April 1st above! Still so neat! I just added the trellis for the tomatoes since I don’t have a cage. And this below is April 19th. Only 18 days from when I put the trellis in and now you can barely see it! Growth is insane! The squash is turning into a…

Dec 2017. Volunteers from compost and asparagus one month growth

So tall! Over a foot tall! Unfortunately I do not know how old these crowns are. I am going to assume one year crowns. Impulse buy 🙂 I think I have some kind of squash! First time used some compost. I have a closed bin which possibly has zucchini seeds from the old zucchini I…

2013 New Loquat tree

The big one is about 4ft tall and I bought from a store. The little one was picked out from under a neighbours loquat tree. He’s only a foot tall and I randomly planted him with my last years aubergines for now.

Rehoming growing lotus

I moved everything around a little bit as the lotus water was getting yuckie and it needed a bigger home. I found this fish bowl laying around so hopefully it will be perfect for my little lotus. Also added rocks to the vase lotus.

Lotus mini swamp

Guilty! I definitely should be finding a new home for these babies but I don’t have time to work out what I want to house them in. So for now, here’s my lotus mini swamps. Leaves are opening 🙂