3 in one pear/Asian pear from Lowes

I went to get a citrus and ended up with one of these. Quite excited. The chill hours are definitely higher than what San Diego is capable of providing for some of the grafts. I have two types of Asian pear and one Bartlett pear. Hope these work out! The housui Asian pear is already…

Volunteer compost squash.

As I suspected these are very very likely spaghetti squash volunteers. Here’s the plumpest squash baby so far! I hope to get a dozen to last me through the season!

Veggies in every space possible! Celery and kale May 2018

So I have an original planter which is now shaded by a giant banana tree which hasn’t been doing too much. I am trying some green veggies that maybe could survive without full sun and could be harvested as needed. Let’s see how these goes. I have a Japanese pepper in there left over from…

Three sisters May 2018

I found some old corn seeds so I had enough for a very small patch and after they started growing strong I decided to expand the corn patch. Hopefully it will mean I will get 2 good staggered harvest of corn. The peas I also found laying around! Hey why not! And before I knew…

Broccolini nom nom

This is the third harvest of broccolini from this season. I have previously grown broccolini in a container before but this is much more successful in a bed. The sprouts are so tender and fresh, I think next year I will grow more so I can grow enough to share with the family too 🙂…

Vegetable planter :) wow!

Feb 14th 2017 April 1st above! Still so neat! I just added the trellis for the tomatoes since I don’t have a cage. And this below is April 19th. Only 18 days from when I put the trellis in and now you can barely see it! Growth is insane! The squash is turning into a…