Veggies in every space possible! Celery and kale May 2018

So I have an original planter which is now shaded by a giant banana tree which hasn’t been doing too much. I am trying some green veggies that maybe could survive without full sun and could be harvested as needed. Let’s see how these goes. I have a Japanese pepper in there left over from…

Three sisters May 2018

I found some old corn seeds so I had enough for a very small patch and after they started growing strong I decided to expand the corn patch. Hopefully it will mean I will get 2 good staggered harvest of corn. The peas I also found laying around! Hey why not! And before I knew…

Broccolini nom nom

This is the third harvest of broccolini from this season. I have previously grown broccolini in a container before but this is much more successful in a bed. The sprouts are so tender and fresh, I think next year I will grow more so I can grow enough to share with the family too 🙂…

April asparagus strip.

So these guys are getting a little more sun. I haven’t picked any as they’re super thin. Anyone ever grow them in a strip before? Initially I planted these here due to the ugly fence I wanted to hide but we ended up rebuilding a beautiful fence! Here’s the before bad after fence…. /during 🙂

April Corn patch. Possible three sisters…

So here’s my tiny corn patch. I actually planted more but these were the only ones that grew so I sectioned them all together. I just found some old peas seeds so I put them in too so hopefully they will grow and climb on the corn. I also have a compost volunteer creeping out…

Dec 2017. Volunteers from compost and asparagus one month growth

So tall! Over a foot tall! Unfortunately I do not know how old these crowns are. I am going to assume one year crowns. Impulse buy 🙂 I think I have some kind of squash! First time used some compost. I have a closed bin which possibly has zucchini seeds from the old zucchini I…

New home

So I guess I haven’t posted in a year but lots of changes this year. We bought a home so now I have a small yard! Planting as much stuff as possible in the ground and this week, I just planted some asparagus crowns into the ground. I first started this blog when I planted…